Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Service Opportunities in Utah County

Look at all these great service opportunities that were listed in the Daily Herald:

Service project volunteers -- Needed to host "Sewing Circle of Love" to benefit Tender Mercy Angel Charity.  Sewers are given supplies/patterns.  Make bereavement gowns for tiny premature babies (385) 230-8440, melody.penrod@gmail.com.

"Baby burial gowns are lovingly handmade by skilled seamstresses especially for premature or stillborn infants," Melody Penrod explained.  "Many generous women have already been inspired to repurpose their wedding dresses>'  Right now 50 outfits have been created and ready to hand off to the hospitals and mothers to choose.

"Tiny funeral clothing is very difficult to find in stores to fit the littlest babies for burial," Melody added.  "Donated white wedding and pastel prom dresses are used to create these beautiful gowns."  

Nutrition Support -- Women, Infants and Children (WIC) benefits, (801) 851-7300. utahcountywic.org, health.utah.gov/wic.

Senior volunteers needed -- Men and women age 55-plus needed as Foster Grandparents and Senior Companions for 15-40 hours a week.  Foster Grandparents to assist children in school, daycare, crisis nurseries to tutor/mentor children with special needs.  Senior Companions serve frail older adults, adults with disabilities and offer respite to caregivers, utahcountyhealth.org/seniors, (801) 851-7767.

Other volunteer opportunities:

Adopt-a-Senior    801-489-6100
Children's Justice Center    801-851-8504
Food and Care Coalition    801-373-1825
Habitat for Humanity    801-368-2250
Hospice    801-842-6591
Meals on Wheels    801-229-3821

Monday, March 16, 2015

Rhonda Wall has brought a great humanitarian effort to my attention, and I want to pass it along to those of you who might be looking for a way to contribute your "little drops" to the Sherwood Hills' humanitarian project. A friend of Rhonda's, Janet Russon, is heading up this effort. The orphanage "Foyerdesion" is in Haiti and is associated with http://elizabethsmartfoundation.org/. Janet's facebook has the items they are asking for. It is pretty simple, just donate one or more items off of the list and drop it off at Janet's house. She lives on 9th east and Fir Ave. across from the Creamery on 9th. East. https://www.facebook.com/janet.russon.1?fref=ts

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Days for Girls

Dear Marianne and Cynthia!

I’ve just sorted through all of the BEAUTUFL Fabrics and items you gathered and delivered to my porch last night.  OH MY.  I’m speechless!
Such beautiful fabrics that are just Perfect.  And all the soaps and wash cloths and undies and Ziplocs.  You have probably just provided enough to take care of an entire village of girls!
We will add the shields and pads and get these sent off to girls within the next few weeks.  We have a big assembly day at BYU on Feb 21st where we will assemble kits.  Girls are waiting for them.
PLEASE thank each of your ladies for their kindness and generosity.  I’ve posted photos of the donations on our Days for Girls Utah Facebook pages and will be singing your praises until I go to bed tonight!
We love and appreciate you.

Ann Lewis

Introducing the Sherwood Hills' Humanitarian Project -- Little Drops

Because we are so much stronger when we are many than when we are alone, the name of our humanitarian effort in the Sherwood Hills Ward reflects the important truth that "little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the beauteous land."   We want to visualize this truth over the next six months as we ask each of you to drop one "little drop" into our big glass bowl each time you spend an hour in humanitarian service.  Over the next six months, from March to September, we would like to fill our bowl with your acts of kindness.  This bowl will be found on Fast Sunday each month outside the Relief Society room, and each one of you can put as many "drops of water" in the bowl as hours you have spent that month in humanitarian service.  We would also challenge you to reach out to those you visit teach and those who visit teach you to help you in this effort.  We would love to hear reports of how you strengthen and support each other in this service.  

I will regularly update this blog with accounts of what is happening in the Sherwood Hills ward and with ideas that I find of other ways we can serve in our community and in our world.